Sarah Drerup relates “A World of Opportunities”
March 23, 2025
The GFWC Jackson Woman’s Club met on March 4, 2025, at the Breathitt County Senior Citizens Center. President Jackie Howard presided.
Debbie Watkins introduced the guest speaker, Sarah Drerup, a dedicated professional with a diverse background in library and information science, emergency management, and military leadership.
Noting that March is “Women’s History Month,” Sarah complimented early women who fought for women’s rights in education, job opportunities, politics, and other areas.
Holding a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Washington, Sarah Discussed many of her civilian job opportunities and how each enhanced her learning experiences, including a research librarian, an engineering librarian at the University of Louisville, a public assistance emergency management specialist with FEMA, a COVID response worker, a wildfire fighter, and a biker bar employee.
Serving as a Captain in the Kentucky Army National Guard, Sarah related many experiences she has had, including: holding the position of Liaison Monitoring Team Officer in charge of Kosovo, leading a team in support of NATO peace keeping operations, serving as a sexual assault response coordinator to soldiers deployed to the Middle East, and commander of a CBRN Hazard Response Company.
Sarah stressed two major points relating to learning experiences: surround oneself with people who encourage and support and never be afraid to ask questions.
In the business session, Jackson Woman’s Club Memorial Scholarship information in now online; April being Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month, a list of items requested by the Hazard Safe House and Care Cottage was distributed; items collected were delivered to Haven House; Walking Club continues through March Healthy Women meets in Thursday at the hospital; approval of letter to be sent to representatives and senators denoting the necessity of the Jackson Weather Station and its employees for our area; HOBY representatives have been selected: Brant Gross-Jackson Independent School and Hunter Barrett-Breathitt High School; and the GFWC Kentucky Convention has been scheduled for March 27-29, 2025 in Lexington.
The next scheduled Jackson Woman’s Club meeting will be April 1, 2025, at the Breathitt County Senior Citizens Center, where Jane Wix, Jackson Weather Station, will be a guest speaker.
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